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What Aging Well Means to Me

Marlien and Coliena Rentmeester, Twins, Age 48

They are identical twins born six minutes apart. Marlien is a fashion aficionado and founder of the style blog, Le Catch. Her younger sib, Coliena, is a celebrated fashion, portrait, travel, and lifestyle photographer. In addition to being bonded by birth and a tremendous sense of style, the half-Dutch, half-Indonesian sisters are connected by a healthy attitude toward aging, taking it in stride with a sense of adventure — and gratitude.

Maryjane Fahey, 67

Maryjane Fahey doesn't care if you call her ma'am. She still considers herself a rocker. Read on to hear why she thinks the years in the middle can be the toughest on our self-esteem, and what she's doing to champion age positivity.

Shel Pink, 49

We all make choices when it comes to how we age: How much cosmetic intervention will we go for? Do diet and exercise factor in? Is introspective work like meditation, therapy, and religion a must? At The Plum, we choose to report on those choices rather than judge them. Here's what aging well means to Shel Pink.

Jessica Wu, MD, 51

We all make choices when it comes to how we age: How much cosmetic intervention will we go for? Do diet and exercise factor in? Is introspective work like meditation, therapy, and religion a must? At The Plum, we choose to report on those choices rather than judge them. Here's what aging well means to Jessica Wu, MD.

Tia Williams, 43

We all make choices when it comes to how we age — How much cosmetic intervention will we go for? Do diet and exercise factor in? Is introspective work like meditation, therapy and religion a must? At The Plum, we choose to report on those choices rather than judge them. Here's what aging well means to Tia Williams.